King’s: Johann Schamne holt das Rekord IPS Main Event

7.007 Entries waren es beim € 380 Italian Poker Sport Main Event im King’s Resort Rozvadov, am Ende konnte Johann Schamne nach einem Deal über € 211.000 und das € 10.350 WSOPE Main Event Ticket jubeln.

Aufgrund des großen Ansturms hatte man einen Extratag beim IPS angehängt und so erst gestern, den 4. Februar, den Final Table ausgetragen. Johann Schamne war der Chipleader mit einem doch recht komfortablen Vorsprung. Auch Marty McFly, Daniel Wurzinger und Shortstack Robert Ashelm waren im Finale mit dabei, wo auf den Sieger € 250.000 + WSOPE Ticket warteten.

Alle vier Deutschen schafften es dann auch an den Final Table und in die acht WSOPE Ticket-Ränge. Für Daniel Wurzinger kam das Aus aber dann gleich auf Rang 8 (€ 31.500 + Ticket), Mary McFly landete auf Rang 6 (€ 69.000 + Tickets). Zu viert kam es zu einem Deal.

Robert Ashelm hatte sich hochgearbeitet, auf Rang 3 musste er sich dann doch mit 3s gegen die 7s von Johann Schamne verabschieden, er kassierte € 140.000 + Ticket. Im Heads-up konnte sich dann Johann Schamne gegen Alexandru Moraru behaupten, was ihm schließlich € 211.000 und das € 10.350 WSOPE Main Event Ticket bescherte.

Eurorounders kommen bald wieder ins King’s, jetzt aber hält die Poker-Bundesliga Einzug. Heute beginnt das € 150 + 100 European Poker Sport Championship (EPSC) Mystery Bounty. Mit 50.000 Chips und 30 Minuten Levels spielt man um mindestens € 333.333 (inkl. 3 x € 10.350 WSOPE Main Event Tickets). Tagesziel sind die Geldränge mit 12,5 % der Entries. Die Cash Games starten wie gewohnt ab den Blinds € 1/2 NLH bzw. € 2/2 PLO. Alle Infos zum kompletten Angebot findet Ihr unter

Ein farbenfrohes Bild von einem Arbeitsplatz mit einem Laptop, einer Tasse Kaffee, Notizbüchern und einer Zimmerpflanze.

Buy-in € 380
Unique players 2075
Re-entries 4932
Total entries 7007
Total prizepool € 2.263.261

inklusive EPF und King’s Million Tickets sowie € 10.350 WSOPE Main Event Tickets

Pos. First name Last name Nationality Payout Deal
1 Johann Schamne Germany € 260.350 € 221.350
2 Alexandru Moraru Romania € 175.350 € 167.350
3 Robert Andreas Ashelm Germany € 132.350 € 150.350
4 Marko Bajic Bosnia and Herzegovina € 101.350 € 130.350
5 Marty McFly Germany € 79.350
6 Mario Luckas Boos France € 62.850
7 Michael Adam Czech Republic € 50.850
8 Daniel Wurzinger Germany € 41.850
9 Timour Kotidis Greece € 24.500
10 Vladimir Cocis Romania € 21.400
11 Pavel53 Czech Republic € 21.400
12 Giacinto Luca Moschella Italy € 19.000
13 Giorgio Soceanu Italy € 19.000
14 Jakub Bosko Slovakia € 16.800
15 Joseph Bruscella Italy € 16.800
16 Rindergulasch Germany € 14.800
17 Ran Shahar Israel € 14.800
18 Toni Zengovski Macedonia € 12.800
19 Benedetto Andrea Sutera Italy € 12.800
20 chiKKita banAAna Israel € 12.800
21 Nicusor Leonard Bordea Romania € 10.800
22 Jacob Pahuus Witt Denmark € 10.800
23 OneTym South Korea € 10.800
24 Dominik Koenig Germany € 8.900
25 Nico Wendlandt Germany € 8.900
26 Jaromir Hanel Czech Republic € 8.900
27 MONTANA Germany € 8.900
28 Emanuele Grande Italy € 7.000
29 Roman Fondos Italy € 7.000
30 Vitalii Hamezardashvili Ukraine € 7.000
31 Paul Vlad Craciunas Romania € 7.000
32 Thodoris Bariampas Greece € 7.000
33 Claude Germany € 7.000
34 Pascal Conzelmann Germany € 7.000
35 Tomas Svec Czech Republic € 7.000
36 Roberto Ricciotti Italy € 5.300
37 Kenosh-KK Germany € 5.300
38 Garfield Bosnia and Herzegovina € 5.300
39 Artan Dedusha United Kingdom € 5.300
40 Daniil Viktorovic Strelnikov Germany € 5.300
41 Loris Rizzi Italy € 5.300
42 Jakub Jirchar Czech Republic € 5.300
43 Salvatore Ricciardi Italy € 5.300
44 Santo Giuseppe Fusco Germany € 5.300
45 Savas Tasdemir Turkey € 4.200
46 OLE Germany € 4.200
47 Gassan Azzam Israel € 4.200
48 Oemer Oezguel Turkey € 4.200
49 PistolePete Germany € 4.200
50 Michele Tocci Italy € 4.200
51 Salvatore Vasta Italy € 4.200
52 Marcin Kacprzak Poland € 4.200
53 Milko Valentinov Velchev Bulgaria € 4.200
54 Rochen Germany € 3.448
55 Hossam Al Khatib Denmark € 3.448
56 Laurentiu Florin Dumitru Romania € 3.448
57 Kimmsee Turkey € 3.448
58 Kacper Czapla Poland € 3.448
59 Andrei Sorin Spataru Romania € 3.448
60 Santa Slovakia € 3.448
61 Vincenzo Mercurio Italy € 3.448
62 Cosmin Sorin Penescu Romania € 3.448
63 Stefan Georg Schimmel Germany € 2.840
64 Andrei Alexandru Ciuca Romania € 2.840
65 Hendrik Nicolaas Maria Kremers Netherlands € 2.840
66 YamR46 Germany € 2.840
67 Maciej Ludwik Kondraszuk Poland € 2.840
68 Riccardo Giulio E De Rubeis Belgium € 2.840
69 Villiel Kordonskiy Israel € 2.840
70 Duh Huan Son Germany € 2.840
71 Matus Gabzdil Slovakia € 2.840
72 KING FISH Israel € 2.840
73 Cristian David Romania € 2.840
74 Aurelian Vasile Tir Romania € 2.840
75 Gisela Lenore Carol Wildegger Germany € 2.840
76 franky Germany € 2.840
77 Jean-Michaěl Hofhuis Netherlands € 2.840
78 Filaretos Filaretos Greece € 2.840
79 Adrian Ioan Ionescu Romania € 2.840
80 Michael Manfred Hoch Germany € 2.840
81 Ibrakadabra Netherlands € 2.360
82 Marcel Buescher Germany € 2.360
83 Labo Germany € 2.360
84 Mihai Cadar Romania € 2.360
85 Emeric Farkas Romania € 2.360
86 Punisher Germany € 2.360
87 Jobas Germany € 2.360
88 MINIGORE Germany € 2.360
89 Hesham Eshaqzai Netherlands € 2.360
90 Sebastian Rykr Czech Republic € 2.360
91 Franz Heinz Obermeyer Germany € 2.360
92 Kamal Boughareb Morocco € 2.360
93 Giuseppe Farruggio Italy € 2.360
94 Alexander Barakan Russia € 2.360
95 Dulceata Globului Romania € 2.360
96 SUPERMARIO Turkey € 2.360
97 Ramzi Hassouna Slovakia € 2.360
98 Bart Cornelis Slager Netherlands € 2.360
99 Michal Pawel Majtyka Poland € 1.960
100 SVARAS Lithuania € 1.960
101 EXIT Turkey € 1.960
102 Jakub Koleckar Czech Republic € 1.960
103 Krasimir Borisov Krastev Bulgaria € 1.960
104 Jakub Stovicek Czech Republic € 1.960
105 Wolfgang Meier Austria € 1.960
106 Jonatan Samuel Romania € 1.960
107 Aleksandar Stoilov Stoev Bulgaria € 1.960
108 Biagio Morciano Italy € 1.960
109 Ioan Holbura Romania € 1.960
110 Dmytro Pankiv Ukraine € 1.960
111 Szymon Patryk Politowski Poland € 1.960
112 Andraz Zaplotnik Slovenia € 1.960
113 Andre Germany € 1.960
114 ASpoint Poland € 1.960
115 Iakub Dziedzic Poland € 1.960
116 Pawel Zawadowicz Poland € 1.960
117 Tisano Italy € 1.960
118 Sokratis Linaras Greece € 1.960
119 Mateusz Damian Makulik Germany € 1.960
120 Vilem Vrana Czech Republic € 1.960
121 Matteo Calzoni Italy € 1.960
122 Jordan Zouad France € 1.960
123 Arnaud Olivie Heidmann France € 1.960
124 Krzysztof Tadeusz Mielnik Poland € 1.960
125 Tsunami- Hueseyin Germany € 1.960
126 PUSCHKIN Germany € 1.960
127 Sergio Ruiz Capel Spain € 1.960
128 Guy Constant M Goossens Belgium € 1.960
129 Milan Dohnansky Czech Republic € 1.960
130 z-z Bosnia and Herzegovina € 1.960
131 Abrechner Germany € 1.960
132 Pavel Vovk Israel € 1.960
133 Tamas Poernye Hungary € 1.960
134 Ciprian Paunescu Romania € 1.960
135 Philipp Woerndl Austria € 1.635
136 Marc Camphausen Germany € 1.635
137 Kasimir Sura Germany € 1.635
138 Roman Koller Austria € 1.635
139 MOUSA Romania € 1.635
140 Hlib Bazhanov Ukraine € 1.635
141 Emile Custinne Belgium € 1.635
142 Emilia Camelia Radu Romania € 1.635
143 SayDos France € 1.635
144 Justine Germany € 1.635
145 Alessandro Barone Italy € 1.635
146 Yannice Bahri France € 1.635
147 Francesco Rocco Villano Italy € 1.635
148 SchweiniFFM Germany € 1.635
149 Narcis Gabriel Nedelcu Romania € 1.635
150 Abaz Bushi Albania € 1.635
151 Florian Russo Mangione France € 1.635
152 Yoel Selles Meijer Spain € 1.635
153 Miroslav Hubacka Czech Republic € 1.635
154 Mario Thiel Germany € 1.635
155 Dmytro Dorosh Ukraine € 1.635
156 Roberto Beccaria Italy € 1.635
157 Kolja Ukraine € 1.635
158 Grzegorz Józef Mirus Poland € 1.635
159 Italo Raillo Italy € 1.635
160 Silviu Alin Pana Romania € 1.635
161 George Inan Netherlands € 1.635
162 Michele Casaburi Italy € 1.635
163 Vedat Jahiu Switzerland € 1.635
164 Jiang Liu Austria € 1.635
165 Andreas Eller Germany € 1.635
166 MR_Umpire Netherlands € 1.635
167 Artur Kraus Germany € 1.635
168 Lukasz Dariusz Golczyk Poland € 1.635
169 Michal Gasperan Slovakia € 1.635
170 Mihai Cristian Tabac Romania € 1.635
171 AC MILAN Lithuania € 1.635
172 Greco poker beast Greece € 1.635
173 Igor Marton Slovakia € 1.635
174 Marius Mihai Romania € 1.635
175 Nebojsa Ankucic Austria € 1.635
176 Maor Zaharagi Israel € 1.635
177 Luca Quarto Italy € 1.635
178 Michael Sottini Italy € 1.635
179 Yordan Ivanov Dichev Bulgaria € 1.635
180 Georgi Nikolov Georgiev Bulgaria € 1.635
181 Prim Netherlands € 1.635
182 Florian Prasanna Gunasekera Germany € 1.635
183 Kurt Radinger Austria € 1.635
184 Pudi-pudiano Germany € 1.635
185 Codrin Paul Macovei Italy € 1.635
186 Lubomir Rulik Czech Republic € 1.635
187 Christopher Campisano Italy € 1.635
188 Mr Alexandru Simion Romania € 1.635
189 Marco Vella Italy € 1.375
190 Vasiokas333 Lithuania € 1.375
191 HeatCheck Germany € 1.375
192 Stefan Alexandru Drusca Romania € 1.375
193 Flurim Alija Germany € 1.375
194 Peppino Finocchi Italy € 1.375
195 Giovanni Gaudiello Italy € 1.375
196 MACKMONEY Germany € 1.375
197 Andrea Tropea Italy € 1.375
198 Franz Doblinger Germany € 1.375
199 Tomas Balada Czech Republic € 1.375
200 Slobodan Stanculovic Austria € 1.375
201 Giuseppe Leonardo Rosato Italy € 1.375
202 Kevin Caner Pichet France € 1.375
203 Eyal Tsabar Israel € 1.375
204 Florin Adrian Bilan Romania € 1.375
205 Richard Kovac Slovakia € 1.375
206 DOV-HOZ Israel € 1.375
207 Nicola Stagi Italy € 1.375
208 Marco Antonio Natalino Germany € 1.375
209 Zaki Hamani Switzerland € 1.375
210 Andro Scarpa Croatia € 1.375
211 Christian Dalder Germany € 1.375
212 Sali Elias Netherlands € 1.375
213 Siamak Tooran Germany € 1.375
214 Vladimir Troyanovskiy Russia € 1.375
215 coxu Poland € 1.375
216 LIKO Italy € 1.375
217 M.S Germany € 1.375
218 Anthony Benja Mahaut France € 1.375
219 Giuseppe Scarfo Italy € 1.375
220 Roberto Di Giuseppe Italy € 1.375
221 Joan Maillard Switzerland € 1.375
222 Phil Dunphy Germany € 1.375
223 Francisc Voidoc Romania € 1.375
224 Tomas Chrobak Czech Republic € 1.375
225 Ella Doris Grand Israel € 1.375
226 Antonio Palumbo Italy € 1.375
227 Jan Tichacek Czech Republic € 1.375
228 Ferry Ikink Netherlands € 1.375
229 Cristian De Luca Italy € 1.375
230 Gianluca Cabitza Italy € 1.375
231 Eros Otello Rossi Italy € 1.375
232 Marius Serban Moldoveanu Romania € 1.375
233 NYJO BRAUN Czech Republic € 1.375
234 Wafan Koolo Germany € 1.375
235 Nikolay Venelinov Dotzev Germany € 1.375
236 Mugurel Farcas Romania € 1.375
237 Dionysios Malouchos Greece € 1.375
238 Lukas Feirer Austria € 1.375
239 Nizar Amrani Khalidi Belgium € 1.375
240 Markus Giesen Germany € 1.375
241 Donk1931 Switzerland € 1.375
242 Artur Pashkouski Belarus € 1.375
243 Marinel Neagu Romania € 1.375
244 Julian Philipp Wehner Germany € 1.375
245 Rafał Myszka Poland € 1.375
246 Luigi Di Secli Italy € 1.375
247 Alessandro Penitente Italy € 1.375
248 Luca Totaro Italy € 1.375
249 Mirko Trainini Italy € 1.375
250 Prela Niki Croatia € 1.375
251 Adam Grigor Czech Republic € 1.375
252 Viorel Gabriel Gavrila Romania € 1.375
253 Jakub Chmelensky Czech Republic € 1.375
254 Alessandro Piersigilli Italy € 1.375
255 Daniel Beck Germany € 1.375
256 JALIL France € 1.375
257 Francesco Di Paola Onorato Italy € 1.375
258 Yurii Dubovytskyi Ukraine € 1.375
259 Michal Mrakeš Czech Republic € 1.375
260 Herbert Kern Germany € 1.375
261 Antonpietro Dettori Italy € 1.155
262 Kostadin Mihaylov Mihaylov Bulgaria € 1.155
263 Eusebiu Nicolae Jalba Romania € 1.155
264 Davide Clodomiro Italy € 1.155
265 Dr. Cross Luxembourg € 1.155
266 Endrit Haxhia Albania € 1.155
267 Michael Shimanovich Israel € 1.155
268 Volodymyr Rudenko Ukraine € 1.155
269 Patrick Jacobus Cornelis Van De Kreeke Netherlands € 1.155
270 Sebastian Ignacio Espinoza Bizama Chile € 1.155
271 Patrick Schwarz Germany € 1.155
272 Niculae Eremia Romania € 1.155
273 Phitchathorn Gosselin Belgium € 1.155
274 Shalashaska Germany € 1.155
275 Karel Houska Czech Republic € 1.155
276 Antal Tamas Hamza Hungary € 1.155
277 Wissam Ouertani Italy € 1.155
278 Michele Dangelo Italy € 1.155
279 Ozgur Leba Turkey € 1.155
280 Adrian Modoran Romania € 1.155
281 MILANO Germany € 1.155
282 Chen Carmin Israel € 1.155
283 Olivier Flavien Marc Lleu France € 1.155
284 Jose‘ Rene Ruiz Espinosa Italy € 1.155
285 Yves Charles M Kupfermunz Belgium € 1.155
286 Vasile Calin Romania € 1.155
287 Jan Dijkstra Netherlands € 1.155
288 Marcin Franciszek Marfiewicz Poland € 1.155
289 DIRUMA Romania € 1.155
290 King of Kings Switzerland € 1.155
291 Luis Tapia Pereira Spain € 1.155
292 Firat Aktag Turkey € 1.155
293 Rafa2017 Romania € 1.155
294 Basim Kalam Germany € 1.155
295 Mihai Robert Szilveszter Romania € 1.155
296 Terence Lee Etim United Kingdom € 1.155
297 Aleksandar Dordevic Serbia € 1.155
298 Massimo Chierchia Italy € 1.155
299 Baktasch Safi Germany € 1.155
300 Nicolae Andrei Mihai Romania € 1.155
301 Taulos Germany € 1.155
302 Georgios Toumpoulis Greece € 1.155
303 Abderrazzak Tourbi Morocco € 1.155
304 Angelo D’ippolito Italy € 1.155
305 Paolo Colombini Italy € 1.155
306 Yuhan Wang China € 1.155
307 Salvatore Terdossi Italy € 1.155
308 Davide Abbate Italy € 1.155
309 Angelo Augusto Carminati Italy € 1.155
310 Alius Riskevicius Lithuania € 1.155
311 Jaroslav Stulhofer Czech Republic € 1.155
312 Florin Petru Tupita Romania € 1.155
313 SHUWA Austria € 1.155
314 Antonino Caleca Italy € 1.155
315 Eyal Bensimhon France € 1.155
316 Axel Bayout France € 1.155
317 Benedikt Lerch Germany € 1.155
318 LUCKY888 Germany € 1.155
319 Stavros Zounis Greece € 1.155
320 Mr. PAIN Netherlands € 1.155
321 Dimitrios Tsouvalis Greece € 1.155
322 Barny Gamble Germany € 1.155
323 Genna Italy € 1.155
324 SZBURATORUL Romania € 1.155
325 Traian Costin Stanciu Romania € 1.155
326 Christos Vettas Greece € 1.155
327 Vojtech Havel Czech Republic € 1.155
328 Alfredo Ranaudo Italy € 1.155
329 Marco Ricciardelli Italy € 1.155
330 Tomas Kolarik Czech Republic € 1.155
331 Ioan Mihai Taizs Romania € 1.155
332 Davide Muccitelli Italy € 1.155
333 Simon Scheiflinger Austria € 1.155
334 Steven Nele B Van Acker Belgium € 1.155
335 Athanasios Kechagias Greece € 1.155
336 Mirko Wörn Germany € 1.155
337 Antonio Rutigliano Italy € 1.155
338 David Zer Aviv Israel € 1.155
339 Pasquale Parretta Italy € 1.155
340 Vitaliy Kryza Ukraine € 1.155
341 Dirk Bertenburg Germany € 1.155
342 Max Wegner Germany € 1.155
343 Antonio Lombardo Italy € 1.155
344 Huseyin Yildirim France € 1.155
345 Oliver Paul Heidel Germany € 1.155
346 Marcel Lopko Austria € 1.155
347 C-Hunter Germany € 1.155
348 Said Abdel Attey France € 1.155
349 Avraham Katan Israel € 1.155
350 Dawid Lelito Poland € 1.155
351 Kumario Croatia € 955
352 Soeren Hermann Germany € 955
353 Marcel Baskharon Germany € 955
354 Tekie Nuts Germany € 955
355 David Savocka Czech Republic € 955
356 Mr. GROOM Germany € 955
357 Wilhelm Stich Austria € 955
358 Raphael Hager Austria € 955
359 Ergys Dunga Albania € 955
360 Jaroslav Malý Czech Republic € 955
361 Francesco Gisolfi Italy € 955
362 Stefan Bojcev Canada € 955
363 Tiktok Iraq € 955
364 Mňam Mňam Czech Republic € 955
365 Acamidou France € 955
366 Andrej Koriakin Lithuania € 955
367 Mary Jo Germany € 955
368 TomJerry Germany € 955
369 Jose Puertas Sorribes Spain € 955
370 Luca Falzaroni Italy € 955
371 Antonio Pollio Italy € 955
372 Mario Magistro Italy € 955
373 Artem Komarov Ukraine € 955
374 Sergiu Cornea Romania € 955
375 Andrei Dragnea Romania € 955
376 JAKE LAMOTA Germany € 955
377 Florin Ghimpu Romania € 955
378 Dara Vosoughian Iran € 955
379 Vlastimil Cerny Czech Republic € 955
380 tweny1 Romania € 955
381 Stefano Spagnolo Italy € 955
382 pokercamel Bosnia and Herzegovina € 955
383 Simone Miracoli Italy € 955
384 Djordi Piet R Holtackers Belgium € 955
385 Konstantinos Petrakis Greece € 955
386 Jordy Petrus Martinus Engelen Netherlands € 955
387 Jackten7 Germany € 955
388 Antonio Bufano Italy € 955
389 JULIO Spain € 955
390 Grinder OG Germany € 955
391 Jakub Masojidek Czech Republic € 955
392 Damian Plonka Poland € 955
393 Robert GALANT Netherlands € 955
394 Manole Ionel Romania € 955
395 Dennis Germany € 955
396 Lars Tanten Germany € 955
397 Marko Milanovic Croatia € 955
398 Kacper Mateusz Kuzior Poland € 955
399 Maciej Jan Plocki Poland € 955
400 Mr. Honey Israel € 955
401 Pasquale Morgante Italy € 955
402 Alessio Bergamo Italy € 955
403 Jakub Sterba Czech Republic € 955
404 Mehdi Abdelkader Guettaoui France € 955
405 Salvatore Lavolpe Italy € 955
406 Spidey Germany € 955
407 Mann vom Mond Germany € 955
408 Pox Germany € 955
409 Bawar Sulaiman Syria € 955
410 Toader Holbura Romania € 955
411 Mateusz Franciszek Lucerek Poland € 955
412 Lucas Slovakia € 955
413 Michael Boguth Germany € 955
414 Salvatore Saracino Italy € 955
415 Ivaylo Nedev Todorov Bulgaria € 955
416 Jesper Hansen Denmark € 955
417 Peteris Enders Latvia € 955
418 Joaquin Poves Gil Spain € 955
419 Nikodem Krzysztof Dubiel Poland € 955
420 Christian Johann Aupers Germany € 955
421 Majid Ejlal Noubarian Iran € 955
422 Ronny Uschner Germany € 955
423 Adam Stanislaw Siwicki Poland € 955
424 Virgilio Giuseppe Di Cicco Italy € 955
425 Domenico Pannullo Italy € 955
426 Dalibor Hill Czech Republic € 955
427 MARVEL Germany € 955
428 Thomas Megas Greece € 955
429 MALIZO Germany € 955
430 Uwe Theodor Matthias Germany € 955
431 Andreas Maier Germany € 955
432 FLOW RiDER Germany € 955
433 Michal Schuh Czech Republic € 955
434 David Novotny Czech Republic € 955
435 David Nemes Hungary € 955
436 Cristian Alexandru Veres Romania € 955
437 Piotr Jozef Bukowski Poland € 955
438 Camilo Pereira Reyes Spain € 955
439 Davide Attanasio Italy € 955
440 Silvio Vitelli Italy € 955
441 Angel Insua Costa Spain € 955
442 Mirek Spicka Czech Republic € 955
443 Khalid Sektani Belgium € 955
444 Amirjam Nourbakht Sweden € 955
445 Sergio Vincenzo Regalbuto Italy € 955
446 Matthias Kribben Germany € 955
447 Rocco Maiorana Italy € 955
448 Marcin Marian Kielan Poland € 955
449 Roberto Riva Italy € 955
450 Federico Fulciniti Italy € 819
451 Claudio Piceci Switzerland € 819
452 Arian Mohammad Kashí Iran € 819
453 Danilo Petrella Italy € 819
454 Bambi Germany € 819
455 Alexandros Michas Greece € 819
456 Hurricane Austria € 819
457 Micky Blasi Italy € 819
458 Ekrem Dzinic Bosnia and Herzegovina € 819
459 Stephane Scherrer France € 819
460 Ovidiu Dorin Barna Romania € 819
461 CARLISLE Czech Republic € 819
462 James Robert Mc Devitt Ireland € 819
463 Danilo Scevola Italy € 819
464 Alexandru Arnautu Romania € 819
465 Dejan Jakovljevic Netherlands € 819
466 Samuel Smolko Slovakia € 819
467 Dor Kanaille Germany € 819
468 Ales Zeleny Czech Republic € 819
469 Daniel Christ Veloson France € 819
470 Danilo Cisternino Italy € 819
471 Milos Vrabel Slovakia € 819
472 Andrea Bettini Italy € 819
473 Tiago Rafae De Melo Rodrigues Portugal € 819
474 Mario Nobile Italy € 819
475 Jamel Bouatrous France € 819
476 Aleksandr Bobyr Russia € 819
477 Florentin Valentin Ilin Romania € 819
478 Bogdan Bularda Romania € 819
479 Jan Janíček Czech Republic € 819
480 Primoz Sibanc Slovenia € 819
481 Sergio Riitano Italy € 819
482 Andras Halasi Hungary € 819
483 Chief Orca Germany € 819
484 Daniele Fimiano Italy € 819
485 Dennis Brutscher Germany € 819
486 Giovanni Domenico Rotolo Italy € 819
487 Vasyl Pidhrushnyi Ukraine € 819
488 Alessandro Ludovico Italy € 819
489 Ruuudi Germany € 819
490 Zakaria Nadmi France € 819
491 Dionysios Kartsampas Greece € 819
492 Daniel Ganjali Germany € 819
493 Angelo Fiorentino Italy € 819
494 Florin Nicula Romania € 819
495 Valerii Lubenets Ukraine € 819
496 Julien Jacques Sylvain Lauer France € 819
497 Ivaylo Miletiev Eftimov Bulgaria € 819
498 DiviNo Ukraine € 819
499 Peter Erich Erwin Mikschik Germany € 819
500 Zvi Levi Israel € 819
501 Vito Giuseppe Vella Italy € 819
502 Francesco Blasio Italy € 819
503 Nicolae Giuri Romania € 819
504 Alexandar Georgiev Skobelev Bulgaria € 819
505 Mauro Melotto Italy € 819
506 Christoph Tanner Switzerland € 819
507 Zeus Greece € 819
508 Frederic Michael Ef Schwarzer Germany € 819
509 Andrea Vitale Italy € 819
510 ChampagnaKiff Germany € 819
511 Tobi_wer Germany € 819
512 Omri Manheim Israel € 819
513 Mark Michael Von Wartburg Switzerland € 819
514 Giuseppe Scollo Italy € 819
515 David Haralik Czech Republic € 819
516 Stylianos Koukianakis Greece € 819
517 Alexandru Farcasanu Romania € 819
518 Thomas Thiele Germany € 819
519 Danilo Fuštić Austria € 819
520 Ioannis Nanos Australia € 819
521 Sascha Conzelmann Germany € 819
522 AktaX Slovakia € 819
523 Umberto Cagiano Italy € 819
524 Giuseppe Bruno Italy € 819
525 Giacomo Bertani Italy € 819
526 Alexandra Radinger Austria € 819
527 Jahnoon Israel € 819
528 Majlo Slovakia € 819
529 Adam Salamov Netherlands € 819
530 Florian Brauner Austria € 819
531 Nikolaos Pikas Germany € 819
532 THOR Romania € 819
533 Alessandro Toninello Italy € 819
534 Simone Saad El Din Italy € 819
535 Stefan Cosmin Tanase Romania € 819
536 Sulo Haremi Albania € 819
537 Jetmir Besho Albania € 819
538 Ondrej Kail Czech Republic € 819
539 Nathalie Vecchio France € 819
540 Antonio Francesco Menga Italy € 819
541 Patrick Wagner Germany € 819
542 Vaclav Drbal Czech Republic € 819
543 Lami Germany € 819
544 Sergiu Covrig Romania € 819
545 Tomas Kral Czech Republic € 819
546 Domenico Vallone Italy € 819
547 LUCKY LUCIANO Netherlands € 819
548 Ace of Spadez Germany € 819
549 Antonio Aversa Italy € 819
550 BEKO Turkey € 819
551 Dan Constantin Maricuta Romania € 819
552 Massimo Di Giovanni Italy € 819
553 lakyluk17 Slovakia € 819
554 Alberto De Barberiis Italy € 819
555 Son Goku Israel € 819
556 Presiyan Georgiev Tsvetanov Bulgaria € 819
557 Dimitrios Anastasakis Greece € 819
558 William Olivotti Germany € 719
559 Darius Valentin Neagoe Romania € 719
560 Bastian Mark Gallitzendoerfer Germany € 719
561 Marius Negucioiu Romania € 719
562 Heger Sare Turkey € 719
563 Barry Germany € 719
564 Antonio Fragale Italy € 719
565 Ivo Donev Austria € 719
566 Salah Eddine Ahmed Obad France € 719
567 Gert Jan Hofman Netherlands € 719
568 Gavril-Dorel Peter Austria € 719
569 Doron Lavi Israel € 719
570 Arno Hans Jak Michelson Germany € 719
571 Gyusy Romania € 719
572 Tamas Geiger Hungary € 719
573 Lackes Germany € 719
574 Adrian Iacob Romania € 719
575 Ferdinando Costagliola Italy € 719
576 Kessei1860 Germany € 719
577 Simone Lago Italy € 719
578 Ulrich Maurice Imbach France € 719
579 Vangelis Simu Czech Republic € 719
580 Giuseppe Adamo Italy € 719
581 Iosif Andrei Gyoengy Romania € 719
582 Aristeidis Giannatos Greece € 719
583 Krisztian Kiss Hungary € 719
584 Kaloyan Stankov Markov Bulgaria € 719
585 LEON 17 Bosnia and Herzegovina € 719
586 Corrado Martinelli Italy € 719
587 Baleewante Rawjee Mauritius € 719
588 PALIK mit K Romania € 719
589 Necat Ayguen Germany € 719
590 Ljubodrag Milojevic Switzerland € 719
591 Michele Pucci Italy € 719
592 Stefan Dumitru Necsanu Romania € 719
593 Christian Konrad Pflieger Germany € 719
594 CEMOOOOO Germany € 719
595 Nicusor Matei Romania € 719
596 THI Switzerland € 719
597 Andrea Albanese Italy € 719
598 SUPER BABO Bosnia and Herzegovina € 719
599 Paolo Calculli Italy € 719
600 Martin Ivanov Georgiev Bulgaria € 719
601 Francesco Simone Recupero Italy € 719
602 Trigger United Kingdom € 719
603 Neculai Macovei Romania € 719
604 Moreno Bonasera Italy € 719
605 Marius Florin Burca Romania € 719
606 Manuel Trainini Italy € 719
607 Toni Ravnak Serbia € 719
608 Massimiliano Lucchetti Italy € 719
609 Irina Kudrina Russia € 719
610 Peter Kamaras Hungary € 719
611 Ionel Serbu Romania € 719
612 M.J Iran € 719
613 Yann Laurent Frederic Lormel France € 719
614 Catalin Andrei Buie Romania € 719
615 Alexander Brandl Austria € 719
616 Alpine Nemesis Czech Republic € 719
617 Cristian Ilie Visoiu Romania € 719
618 Pikachu Slovakia € 719
619 Ines Thoeni Switzerland € 719
620 Teodor Tchakov Switzerland € 719
621 Patryk Juliusz Olpeter Poland € 719
622 Alexander Desch Germany € 719
623 Bobby Valentino Germany € 719
624 Reinhold Kendlbacher Austria € 719
625 Lycan Romania € 719
626 Christian Georges Delacombaz Switzerland € 719
627 Umberto Cianfanelli Italy € 719
628 GRAF BOBBES Germany € 719
629 Alexandru Tudor Romania € 719
630 Robert Lenz Germany € 719
631 Pietro Tedeschi Italy € 719
632 van 7andar Slovakia € 719
633 Karsten Hejna Germany € 719
634 Antebellum Germany € 719
635 Michail Kavouras Greece € 719
636 Paul Adrian Covaciu Romania € 719
637 Davide Dante Italy € 719
638 Mr Andrei Manoliu United Kingdom € 719
639 Ionut Sabinus Josanu Romania € 719
640 Hueseyin Ipek Turkey € 719
641 Viktoria Tycova Slovakia € 719
642 sharky France € 719
643 Eduard Paraschiv Romania € 719
644 INGOPIN Germany € 719
645 Daniel Feirer Austria € 719
646 Mike Michel Marquet France € 719
647 Alexandru George Preda Romania € 719
648 Tomas Knespl Czech Republic € 719
649 THYBO. Denmark € 719
650 Martin Novak Czech Republic € 719
651 Hüseyin Arkun Germany € 719
652 Daniel Strachinescu Romania € 719
653 Alessio Rossi Italy € 719
654 Tonino Cardia Puddu Italy € 719
655 JABU 69 Germany € 719
656 Racoon Germany € 719
657 RICHI Turkey € 719
658 Marco Naschberger Austria € 719
659 Milan Topoly Slovakia € 719
660 David Ettedgui Israel € 719
661 Pilagoras Greece € 719
662 Nagib Raji France € 719
663 milo France € 719
664 Michael Friedrich Briele Germany € 719
665 Harald Redl Austria € 719
666 Joost Leendert Slager Netherlands € 719
667 Olekszandr Volodimirovics Lizanec Hungary € 719
668 Bogdan Alexandru Tilica Romania € 719
669 Catharina Netherlands € 719
670 Christopher Dietmar Spielmann Germany € 719
671 DB17 Switzerland € 719
672 Jeroshan Rex Jerome Rajakumar France € 719
673 MOSI Iran € 719
674 Jordan Domini Berlier France € 719
675 David Decsi Hungary € 719
676 Stefanita Catalin Buzatu Romania € 719
677 Goekhan Cetin Germany € 719
678 Willy Wonka Germany € 719
679 Hassan Ali Khalil Denmark € 719
680 Jackson2015 Germany € 719
681 Noane Karim Adriaens France € 719
682 Sergio Di Ruberto Italy € 719
683 Ombladon Romania € 719
684 Marco Riverendo Switzerland € 719
685 Vladimir Krizek Czech Republic € 719
686 Claudio Daffina Italy € 719
687 Jürg EINZ Norway € 719
688 Thomas Hartmut Hardt Germany € 719
689 JULEZ Germany € 719
690 Eman United States € 719
691 Cristiano Arciero Italy € 719
692 Daniel Ulicny Czech Republic € 719
693 Pierluigi Maria Barutta Italy € 719
694 Joerg Drummer Germany € 719
695 Daniele Maldonato Italy € 719
696 Adrian Ziemichod Poland € 719
697 Barham Osman Muhammed Switzerland € 719
698 Giovanni Salvatore Italy € 719
699 Lorenzo Alan Jimmy Aubert France € 719
700 Nadel Seleman Germany € 719
701 Helma Weber Germany € 719
702 Ermir Dunga Albania € 639
703 Pavlos Kalamaris Greece € 639
704 Lucky 13 Austria € 639
705 Robert Gulas Czech Republic € 639
706 August Schlegl Austria € 639
707 Daniel Nagy Hungary € 639
708 Magic Mike Turkey € 639
709 Luca Bufarini Italy € 639
710 Dan Andrei Galinschi Romania € 639
711 ABO XALO Iraq € 639
712 Carmine Salvioli Italy € 639
713 Lycos Germany € 639
714 Muhamedsejdi Ramadani Switzerland € 639
715 Maurizio Cao Italy € 639
716 Antonio Angelo Italy € 639
717 Bogdan Razvan Maciuca Romania € 639
718 Lucky Lolek Germany € 639
719 Vincenzo Maio Switzerland € 639
720 Vasyl Zabrodskyy Ukraine € 639
721 Marian Dicu Romania € 639
722 Franco Scalise Luxembourg € 639
723 Josip Kovacevic Croatia € 639
724 Patrick Raymond Giessner France € 639
725 LUFIRPOTDS Hungary € 639
726 France France € 639
727 Stephan Germany € 639
728 ANANGRETANOS Italy € 639
729 Alfonso Simone Italy € 639
730 Bogdan Ovesia Romania € 639
731 Erwin D Wiechers Netherlands € 639
732 MOOS Netherlands € 639
733 Alberto Campanile Italy € 639
734 Stellinga Switzerland € 639
735 Schmuko Germany € 639
736 Sascha Puder Germany € 639
737 Tomas Rous Czech Republic € 639
738 Agostino Pecorario Italy € 639
739 Ruslan Schychlarov Germany € 639
740 Daniel Krejca Czech Republic € 639
741 Ben Hurwitz Israel € 639
742 Niksa Samadan Croatia € 639
743 Thomas Lemberger Austria € 639
744 Julien Burckel France € 639
745 Raul George Sav Romania € 639
746 Full Tilt Germany € 639
747 Grzegorz Domanik Poland € 639
748 Christian Jaeger Germany € 639
749 Claudiu Viorel Pana Romania € 639
750 MeisterJohnny Germany € 639
751 Daniele Santo Culosi Paglino Germany € 639
752 Ivan Fedor Slovakia € 639
753 Fabio Christopher Franz Germany € 639
754 Petr Vlcek Czech Republic € 639
755 Stephan Maximilian Bloch Germany € 639
756 Hussam Abdel Aziz Germany € 639
757 Dor Shlomo Edry Israel € 639
758 Zymer Guraziu Kosovo € 639
759 Nicola De Vita Italy € 639
760 Kristiyan Krasimirov Kostov Bulgaria € 639
761 Denis Gergoc Switzerland € 639
762 Raffaele Caputo Italy € 639
763 Linksblinker Germany € 639
764 Matthias Woerndl Austria € 639
765 Ennio Bazzucchi Italy € 639
766 Luca Serret France € 639
767 Marius Alexandru Gicovanu Romania € 639
768 Cosmin Nicusor Dobrea Romania € 639
769 Fabio Rastelli Italy € 639
770 Zeynal Danisman Austria € 639
771 HANS MEISER Germany € 639
772 Christian Jakob Froehler Germany € 639
773 Patrizia Trammell United States € 639
774 Benedikt Andreas Zeyher Germany € 639
775 Petr Holusa Czech Republic € 639
776 Francois Claude Rotolo Italy € 639
777 Renato Alberto Ardelean Romania € 639
778 Gareth Gerald Hamilton Ireland € 639
779 Elvedin Mervan Bosnia and Herzegovina € 639
780 Stefan Fabian Romania € 639
781 Daniel Marek Gumula Poland € 639
782 Roman Lucas Sartory Germany € 639
783 Davide Antonio Mimmo Italy € 639
784 Avocadoman Germany € 639
785 Jan Andrzej Mehring Poland € 639
786 Besnik Lalinovci Germany € 639
787 Ionut Eusebiu Dumitru Romania € 639
788 Diego Caserio Italy € 639
789 Enzo Bagattini Switzerland € 639
790 Richard Scheili Hungary € 639
791 FERNANDO Austria € 639
792 Ciprian Marian Todorescu Romania € 639
793 Georgios Lekkakos Greece € 639
794 Was dich an Germany € 639
795 Martin Hanzl Czech Republic € 639
796 David Klein Slovakia € 639
797 Jacke Boss Netherlands € 639
798 Carmelo Panarello Italy € 639
799 Lukasz Dariusz Lewicki Poland € 639
800 Matthias Kris S Symons Belgium € 639
801 HAKUNAMATATA Poland € 639
802 Michele Nizzardelli Italy € 639
803 Dariusz Robert Charski Poland € 639
804 Sinisa Bodrozic Croatia € 639
805 tatarka Czech Republic € 639
806 Favorit926 Germany € 639
807 Michael Altena Netherlands € 639
808 AK23 Germany € 639
809 Borys Bagatyuk Ukraine € 639
810 Davide Giuseppe Costa Italy € 639
811 Daniel Budin Czech Republic € 639
812 Alex Bagaglia Italy € 639
813 Daniel Petrica Scridon Romania € 639
814 Paulo Jorge Do Rio Andre De Castro Rodrigues Portugal € 639
815 SUCRE Spain € 639
816 Ismail Duzgun Turkey € 639
817 Besmir Dini United Kingdom € 639
818 MoMo Lebanon € 639
819 Dino Pasquale Italy € 639
820 CAFER Germany € 639
821 Christian P. Germany € 639
822 Ondrej Mar Czech Republic € 639
823 Pietro Vittorio An Pellegrino Italy € 639
824 Yasmin Neuhaus Switzerland € 639
825 Stefano Pizzuti Italy € 639
826 Federico Belvedere Italy € 639
827 Pashaaa Germany € 639
828 Jamie Olde Scheper Netherlands € 639
829 George Andrei Miron Romania € 639
830 Dario Dimprima Italy € 639
831 Filip Krydl Slovakia € 639
832 elbarto Germany € 639
833 Alessandro Giovanni Cannizzaro Italy € 639
834 Ioannis Paj Iotis Michos Greece € 639
835 Naeem Alshbiri Syria € 639
836 Cristinel Costin Romania € 639
837 Davy M Belgium € 639
838 Jim Halpert Germany € 639
839 KAKAROTE France € 639
840 Luigi Giudice Italy € 639
841 Mikethigt Germany € 639
842 Dominik Klaushofer Austria € 639
843 Henri D. Switzerland € 639
844 Antonio Colletta Italy € 639
845 Felix Vu Sweden € 639
846 Massimo Fata Italy € 639
847 Hieu Nam Nguyen Vietnam € 639
848 Thomas Feldmann Switzerland € 639
849 Damien Thierry Hupe Belgium € 639
850 GLADIATOR Romania € 639
851 Borislav Asenov Medov Bulgaria € 639
852 Pitak Germany € 639
853 Oktay Asci Turkey € 639
854 Maurizio Ciullo Italy € 639
855 Nandor Blasko Hungary € 639
856 GregMeteor Germany € 639
857 GIKO Romania € 639
858 Marton Lugosi Hungary € 639
859 POKERLOVE Hungary € 639
860 Tobias Ilmer Italy € 639
861 Ohad Aharon Freund Israel € 639
862 Francis Alfred Jean Mari Klar Germany € 639
863 Zeljko Kosic Bosnia and Herzegovina € 639
864 ricky Lebanon € 639
865 Radek Honl Czech Republic € 639
866 Roberto Leonzio Italy € 639
867 Michal Stefan Szelka Poland € 639
868 Natanel Ben Zion Elidan Israel € 639
869 Milan Bilak Ukraine € 639
870 Miroslav Salaj Slovakia € 639
871 Georgios Tranos Karallis Papadakis Greece € 639
872 Florin Paul Trifan Romania € 639
873 Andreas Thoeni Austria € 639
874 Kooresh Shafaatian Germany € 639
875 Peja Kosovo € 639
876 Yoann James Cook France € 639
877 Mingrui Cen China € 639
878 Antonios Georgiadis Greece € 639
879 Rossomaha Germany € 639
880 Cristian Enache Romania € 639
881 Muhamet Perati Italy € 639 € 107
882 Harlej Czech Republic € 107
883 Giuseppe Cavallo Italy € 107
884 Jack Ryan Trammell United States € 106
885 Sergei Konovalov Russia € 106
886 Cano01 Germany € 106


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